Working projects designed by specialists in our Shopper & Merchandising Development Organization (SMD) utilize the POS data to perform research, surveys and analysis.
Data Interchange working group and IT utilization workshop
Logistics and supply chain management workshop
On-line shopper research workshop
3. Research and consulting
We are here to help both the public and private sectors with research and consulting services that provide solutions to big problems or just a little advice when that's all that's needed. Our expert international research services include independent surveys as well as comparative studies that encompass the globe.
4. Professional Development
Our educational seminars are ideal for those who would like to learn more about distribution, marketing and other topics. We also provide outstanding corporate training programs.
5. Publications
Journal of Distribution & Marketing (Japanese Only)
Bimonthly journal on distribution and marketing strategies and trends
Statistical Abstract of Japanese Distribution
Annual abstract of data and statistics on the Japanese distribution industry and market trends